Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Give me the Steps to Making a Mummy!

Hello there! I'm sure you have thought about mummies and making a mummy right? Well the people in Egypt would make mummies when somebody died.. they did this thousands of years ago but not anymore that would just be disgusting! The first step they would do is wash the body natron salt. I mean who would want to wash a dead body.. I know I wouldn't. The second step is to take out the brain, now beware this is gross for how they took it out. They would make a hook and just dig it out and the parts that didn't come out they would turn the body to the side and the rest would come out of the mummies nose. I mean common that's not right! The third step is to cut open the abdomen and take out all of the organs except the heart an the kidneys. What they would do with all of the other organs is they would leave them to shrivel up and then push them into these Canopic jars. The fourth step was to pack the body with natron salt and let it dry for 40 days. Where would you put a dead body for a month and a half?? Yes it takes awhile to make a mummy but there's only two more steps. The fifth step is to rub the body with oils then cover it with pine resin to stop it from molding. The last step is to rap the mummy in some kind of cloth like linen cloth and then seal it in a resin and bury the mummy. You would also put the Canopic jars with the mummy when you bury the mummy.


  1. I like your picture in this post, but I would've thought that the hair would've fallen out by now.
